We are The Pentecostal Alliance of Independent Churches, a Christian Pentecostal denomination and a growing movement which wants to continue to spread the good news of Jesus. Today we are 430 churches in Sweden, with approximately 85,000 members, working together to make God’s love visible in our country.
In the same way that the love of Jesus is for each and every one of us, there is a community here for you to find a home in. Do you want to find out more about who Jesus is or to find a church near you? Read more about our faith and about how you can easily find a church near you.
Our areas of work
In big cities, villages and in your neighbourhood. From Sweden to the ends of the earth. You can find our churches, work and engagements near you.
Together with our churches, we run five colleges, seminaries, care and rehabilitation centres for substance abuse, diaconal work, second hand stores, child and youth activities, support to recently arrived refugees and migrants, shelters for the unhoused, and much more.
We are reaching open hearts in closed countries. Together we share the story of Jesus in 60 countries and in 100 languages.
PMU is one of Sweden's largest aid and rights organizations with the capacity to run 163 projects together with local partners worldwide.
LP has extensive work with addiction recovery care. We want to offer a way out of addiction, to a new start in life and invites in to a sober community.
Pingst ung
We want to see the local children and youth ministries succeed in their mission to reach a young generation and develop lifelong discipleship.
Pingst utbildning
We want to learn more about the Christian faith. Through our community collages and pastor's seminaries, we do just that.
Sport for Life
This is the sports ministries in the swedish pentecostal movement. We want to bring health to the entire person trough body, spirit and soul.
We want to be known by our genuine love of Jesus and people, to be a clear, respected voice in our society and a movement that never stops to expand.